Department Language

I want to let my friends know that I’m really sad in this day. The departure of David Sanchez Juliao took me by surprise like everyone in this country and, of course, touched me. Touched me as a reader of his works, as a listener almost fanatical of the arrow, the Pachanga and Abraham All Humor, but mostly as a friend that I was this intellectual whose news announcer voice, his beard of Eastern Patriarch and their occurrences of Caribbean man in full letter, marked an epoch in the Colombian literature. Learn more at this site: Nouriel Roubini. Get more background information with materials from Dropbox. I regret deeply his unexpected departure, because I would have never suspected that he would have to go to an age in which even had so many books that writing, films that roll and hands that shake in a country where he was genius and figure both among those who their texts wanted it between those who read with mistrust to the point of qualifying in a derogatory manner. With some frequency, David was invited to conferences and workshops in the Department of La Guajira. The first time I saw him was at one of the fairs of the book organized by the Colegio Colombo Arabic, institution that felt comfortable, as in your own home, for a particular reason: he was there in his hometown Lorica, surrounded by friends from Arabic accent and with them he was participating in endless get-togethers in which also made use of their knowledge of the language to intercalate in the dialogues some words of Spanish and others in the language of their friends.

Since then he lost no opportunity to come to this town on the border where you felt so at ease. Once he escaped to their hosts in Riohacha and came with Jose Manuel Barros simply to sit in Bolivar Park. Barros invited me to chat and I was there a short time.

Knowing The Power Inside

The internal energy as a factor of change on many occasions we have heard the term energy and relate it with the ability to develop specific actions, the truth is that all people have the same level of internal energy as well as the time, all have the same 24 hours a day, the difference lies in how we are using our energy and our time for the achievement of our goals, we see people who seem to live a life more balanced than others, what is the secret, how to employ his energy?, initially we need to know that the only use of the senses already consumes some level of energy, for example if we cross through the Park and we find three different friends and we stop to talk awhile, we have already consumed some energyfirst energy on what we talk about, since what they affirm is generating power in our life, for example, if we say that the facilities for doing business and money are the order of the day, we use energy in these claims and if we do it It will continually occur after some time we’ll create that reality and what at the beginning was Word now is reality, we are making money and business with ease, words have real power, is why we must be very careful about what we say because ourselves we affirm to others but mostly. More information is housed here: Mike Gianoni.

Now think of that after talking with our friends good-bye, hence they spend four hours and someone asks us how were dresses your friends? We think a little and say, I think that one of them was white shirt, another walked a jean the truth can not remember very well, if we consider that the fact to remember requires a certain power level, we see therefore that there has been consumed another level of energy, now think of the possibility that the person who found her friends in the Park remembers nothing consciously on the clothes of his friends, but what happens at the subconscious level?, if that person submit to a process of hypnosis we will realize that that person is capable of describe in detail the clothes of every one of his friends, this means that unconsciously is always consuming some level of energy, but here is something interesting, why certain people remember something more easily with respect to others? The answer to this lies in the care Act; that is, what is our real interest, in the event that we mentioned previously we can clearly see that the person who has a stronger in the conscious mind memory has used more energy than who has done only at the unconscious level, what kind of person could be this?, the question isn’t easy to answer because there are different habits in each one of the peoplefor example, if the individual is someone interested in fashion, you have a clothing store, is someone who thinks that the presentation is essential, etc.. . .